Adorna Carroll

Adorna currently owns and runs 3 real estate related businesses and has had a personal team for over 25 years. As the CEO and President of Dynamic Directions, Inc., a company with an extensive faculty of international consultants, speakers and trainers, Adorna trains Realtors® all over North America.

She has authored numerous residential designation and certification courses for the NAR and REBI – Real Estate Business Institute.

In 1997 she completed her term as the State President for the CT Realtors®, was the 2001 Region 1 VP, an NAR Liaison in 2002, 2003, and 2007, RPAC Trustee in 2004, the 2005 NAR VP & Liaison to Committees, and NAR’s Chief Political Fundraiser in 2006. She was also the national President of NAR’s REBI – Real Estate Business Institute in 2016.

Adorna is a $50K member of the RPAC Hall of Fame, the REBAC Hall of Fame, the and is the 79th recipient of NAR’s Distinguished Service Award.

Adorna has a BA Degree in Philosophy and has been awarded five Who’s Who awards beginning with “Who’s Who of American Women”, “Finance and Industry”, “Emerging Leaders”, “Who’s Who in the East” and “Who’s Who in America.”