For 2021, we will fill the role of First Vice President from Division 2 (Middle TN) and three Division VP roles (from Western, Middle and Eastern TN).
The President-Elect shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and assist the President in performing his/her duties. The President-Elect shall use his/her term of office to prepare to serve as President. Fulfills the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President. Supports and defends policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Promotes active participation in Tennessee REALTORS® on the part of the membership.
The First Vice President is third to the President in leadership. Participates most actively with the development of the Strategic Plan and provides ongoing counsel to the Strategic Thinking Advisory Committee. Fulfills the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President and President-Elect. Supports and defends policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Promotes active participation in Tennessee REALTORS® on the part of the membership.
The treasurer serves as Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee. Presents the proposed budget and Financial Statements to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Reviews the annual independent audit and the investments of the Association. Influences the establishment of strategic goals and objectives relating to the financial management of NAR during the term of office. Promotes active participation in NAR on the part of the membership.
Division Vice Presidents (DVPs) are the official representatives of the local associations within their jurisdiction (West, Middle, and East) and serve as liaisons between those associations and the Tennessee REALTORS® leadership. They ensure that local leadership is aware of the content and importance of Tennessee REALTORS® programs. They attend local events and offer to meet and assist with issues as needs arise. DVPs serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee. Each DVP is assigned to be a committee liaison. They promote active participation in NAR on the part of the membership.