The purpose of the Tennessee REALTORS® A.R.E.A. leadership program is to identify emerging REALTOR® leaders and potential association leadership. A.R.E.A. is designed to empower its class members to maximize their leadership potential.
Participation is open to all active Tennessee REALTORS® in good standing with the Association and the Tennessee Real Estate Commission (TREC).
Attendance at all sessions is mandatory. One excused absence is permitted, but the absence will result in the participant not graduating with his/her class. The absence may be made up during the following year’s program. and the participant will then graduate with the next class.
The cost of the program is $899 and includes all courses, meals, required overnight accommodations, class materials, and complimentary Early Bird Registration for the Annual Convention.
Class Schedule:
- Session 1: February 16-17 – Getting to Know Yourself & Others (Tuition in full is due)
- Session 2: April 22 – Leadership 101
- Session 3: June 15 – Media & Communications Spokesperson Training
- Session 4: August 24 – About Your Business
- Session 5: September 20 – All About Tennessee REALTORS® (at Fall Convention)
- September 22 – Graduation at Fall Convention 2022 (Registration is covered, but not lodging or travel)